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1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

122 Leadenhall Street (buildings)
19 Princelet Street - Museum of Immigration - Spitalfields (institutions)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

20 Fenchurch Street (buildings)
23 John Street (buildings)
7-7 Memorial (memorials)
Actors Memorial (memorials)
Adam Street and John Adam Street (places)
Admiralty Arch (buildings)
Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Viscount (memorials)
Alaxandra Railway Bridge (Cannon Street) (thames)
Alban Gate (buildings)
Albany Street (places)
Albany Terrace (buildings)
Albany, The (buildings)
Albert Bridge (thames)
Albert Embankment (buildings)
Albert Hall (buildings)
Albert Hall (memorials)
Albert Memorial (memorials)
Albert, Prince (memorials)
Albert, Prince (memorials)
Albion Tin Works (places)
Aldermanberry Square (places)
Alfred Place (places)
Alfred Place 1 (buildings)
All Hallows by the Tower (church)
All Hallows London Wall (church)
All Souls Langham Place (church)
Ampton Street (places)
Anchor Brewhouse (buildings)
Ann, Queen (memorials)
Apothecaries Hall (institutions)
Arcade, The - Albemarle St (markets)
Arlington House (buildings)
Armoury House (institutions)
Around Bond Street (places)
Arthur Middleton (markets)
Aspley House (famous)
Astor, Nancy (memorials)
Austin Friars Square (places)
Austin-Friars (church)

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Baird, John Logie (memorials)
Bali Bomb Memorial (memorials)
Ballast Quay (places)
Bank (places)
Bankside 1 (buildings)
Bankside 1 (panoramas)
Bankside 27 (buildings)
Bankside 49 (buildings)
Bankside Lofts (buildings)
Banqueting House (famous)
Barnards Inn (buildings)
Barrons Place (places)
Barrons Place 6 (places)
Bartle Frere, General Henry Edward (memorials)
Bartman, Alderman William (memorials)
Basin South (buildings)
Battle of Britain Memorial (memorials)
Bazalgette, Sir Joseph (memorials)
Bazalgette, Sir Joseph (memorials)
Beatty, Admiral David, Earl (memorials)
Beauclerk, Topham and Lady Diana (memorials)
Bedford Square (places)
Bedford Square 43-45 (buildings)
Belfast, HMS (famous)
Belgiums Gratitude for British Aid in 1914-1918 (memorials)
Belgrave Square (places)
Belgrave Square 27 - Seaford House (buildings)
Belgrave Villa - Belgrave Square 49 (buildings)
Belgravia (places)
Bentinck Street Church (church)
Berkeley Square (places)
Bermondsey Wall (places)
Besant, Sir Walter (memorials)
Beven Boy Memorial (memorials)
Bishops Square (places)
Bishopsgate 201 - Broadgate Tower (buildings)
Bishopsgate Church Yard (buildings)
Blackfriars Bridge (thames)
Blackfriars Railway Bridge (St Pauls Bridge) (thames)
Blake, William - Grave (memorials)
Blomfield Street (buildings)
Bloomsbury (panoramas)
Bloomsbury Square (places)
Bobk market (markets)
Boris Bus (famous)
Borough Market (markets)
Bow Street and Wellington Street (places)
Bracken House (buildings)
Brick Lane - Spitalfields (places)
Bridgehouse Place (places)
British Medical Association (institutions)
British Museum (institutions)
British Museum (institutions)
British Museum - Australian Garden (places)
British Museum . American Garden (institutions)
Broad Street Avenue (places)
Broadgate (places)
Broadgate Tower (panoramas)
Broadwick Street (places)
Brockway, Fenner (memorials)
Brompton Oratory (church)
Brompton Square (places)
Brunel Pump House (buildings)
Brunel Thames Tunnel (buildings)
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom (memorials)
Brunswick Centre (places)
Brunswick Square (places)
Buckingham Palace (famous)
Builders & Contractors - Kenton Street (buildings)
Bull Inn Court (places)
Bulstrode Street (places)
Bunhill Field (memorials)
Bunyan, John - Grave (memorials)
Burgh House (buildings)
Burghers of Calais (memorials)
Burke, Edmund - House (memorials)
Burlington Arcade (markets)
Burns, Robert (memorials)
Burrells Wharf (places)
Burton Street (places)
Butlers Wharf (buildings)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Cambridge Gate (places)
Canada (memorials)
Canary Wharf (places)
Canning, George PM (memorials)
Canning, George - Prime Minister (memorials)
Cardinal Place (buildings)
Carlton House Terrace 16 - Crown Estate Office (buildings)
Carlton House Terrace 17 - The Civic Trust (buildings)
Carlton House Terrace 2br Royal College of Pathologists (buildings)
Carpenters Hall (institutions)
Cartwright Gardens (places)
Cavell, Edith (memorials)
Cecil Court (places)
Cenotaph (memorials)
Centrepoint (buildings)
Chandos House (buildings)
Chandos Street (places)
Chaplin, Charlie (memorials)
Charity School and Watchhouse - Rotherhithe (buildings)
Charles 1 (memorials)
Charles 1 - Westminister Hall (memorials)
Charles 2 (memorials)
Charlotte Street (places)
Charnel House - Spitalfields (memorials)
Charterhouse (church)
Charterhouse Square (places)
Chelsea (places)
Chelsea Bridge (thames)
Chelsea In-pensioner (memorials)
Chelsea Old Church (church)
Chelsea Physic Garden (institutions)
Chester Place (places)
Chester Terrace (places)
Cheylesmore, Baron Herbert Francis Eaton (memorials)
Chillianwallah, Battle of (memorials)
Chindit Special Force (memorials)
Ching Court (places)
Christ the King (church)
Christchurch Newgate (church)
Christchurch Spitalfield (church)
Church Entry (church)
Churchill, Sir Winston (memorials)
Churchill, Sir Winston (memorials)
Churchill, Winston - Prime Minister (memorials)
Cinnabar Wharf (buildings)
City - Views (panoramas)
City Hall (institutions)
City of London School (Former) (buildings)
City Temple (church)
Clarkenwell (places)
Clarkenwell Green (places)
Cleary Gardens (places)
Cleopatras Needle (memorials)
Cleveland Row (buildings)
Clink Street (buildings)
Clive, Robert Baron of Bengal, Clive of India (memorials)
Coadestone Lion (memorials)
Coal Exchange Dragons (memorials)
Coliseum (institutions)
College Lane (places)
College Of Arms (institutions)
Columbia Road (markets)
Colville Place (places)
Commercial Road Bridge Lock (canals)
Congress Centre (buildings)
Cook, Captain James - Navigator - Home (memorials)
Cook, Captain James RN (memorials)
County Hall (buildings)
Covent Garden Market (famous)
Cowley Street (places)
Cromwell, Oliver - Lord Protector (memorials)
Crown Passage (markets)
Cumberland Terrace (places)
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew Browne , Viscount of Hyndhope (memorials)
Custom House (institutions)
Cutty Sark (famous)

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Dark House Wharf (buildings)
Daubeney Tower (buildings)
David Gregg (institutions)
Deans Yard/Westminister School (places)
Defoe, Daniel - Grave (memorials)
Dennis Servers House - Spitalfield (institutions)
Derby, Earl of - Edward Stanley - Prime Minister (memorials)
Derby, Lord Edward Geoffrey Smith Stanley PM (memorials)
Devonshire Square (places)
Dickens, Charles (memorials)
Disraeli, Benjamin Earl Beaconfield - Prime Minister (memorials)
Disraeli, Benjamin Earl Beaconsfield - Prime Minister (memorials)
Disraeli, Benjamin Earl Beaconsfield - Prime Minister (memorials)
Dockland Light Railway (institutions)
Docklands - Views (panoramas)
Dorset Square (places)
Dowding, Lord Hugh - Air Chief Marshal (memorials)
Downing Street (famous)
Drapers Hall (institutions)
Drill Hall (R.A.D.A.) (buildings)
Dryden Street (places)
Duffield Sluice (buildings)
Duke of Yorks Barracks - Saatchi Gallery (institutions)
Duke's Road (places)
Dyers Buildings (buildings)

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Eisenhower Centre (buildings)
Eisenhower, Dwight (memorials)
Elder Street - Spitalfields (places)
Eleanor Cross, Queen - Charing Chross (memorials)
Embankment Place - Charing Cross (buildings)
Euston Road 215 - Welcome Trust (buildings)
Excel Court (places)
Exchange Square (places)
Execution Dock (institutions)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

F. W. Collins - Ironmonger Est 1835 (markets)
Faraday, Michael (memorials)
Faraday, Michael - Museum (memorials)
Fawcett, Henry Memorial (memorials)
Fenton House (buildings)
Finsbury Bank (buildings)
Finsbury Circus (places)
Fishmongers Hall (institutions)
Fitzroy Square (places)
Fitzroy Square 6 (buildings)
Fleet Air Arm Memorial (memorials)
Fleet Street (places)
Fleming, Sir Alexander - Lab (memorials)
Fletcher, WPC Yvonne (memorials)
Foch Momerial (memorials)
Folgate Street - Spitalfields (places)
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (famous)
Foreshore (places)
Former Dairy Supply Company (buildings)
Former Middland Hotel (institutions)
Former St Georges Hospital (institutions)
Forster, William Edward (memorials)
Fortnum and Mason (markets)
Foundling Museum (institutions)
Fourh Plinth (events)
Fournier Street - Spitalfields (places)
Fox, Charles James (memorials)
Franklin, Benjamin (memorials)
Fredericks Place (places)
Free Trade Wharf (buildings)
Freemason's Hall (institutions)
Friends Meeting House (church)
Fruiterers Passage (places)

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Gage, Thomas - Memorial (memorials)
Gallions Reach (thames)
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (memorials)
Garden Court Chambers (buildings)
Garden Museum (institutions)
Gatwick Airport (places)
Geffrye Museum (institutions)
George Inn, The (buildings)
George Yard - Barclays Bank (buildings)
Gilbert, William Schwenck (memorials)
Girdlers Hall (institutions)
Girl and a Dolphin (memorials)
Gladstone, William Ewart - Prime Minister (memorials)
Gladstone, William Ewart - Prime Minister (memorials)
Glaziers Hall (institutions)
Globe Wharf (buildings)
Golden Boy (memorials)
Golden Lion (buildings)
Golden Square (places)
Goodwins Court (places)
Gordon Square (places)
Gordon, General Charles George - of Khartoum (memorials)
Gough Square (places)
Graveland Court (places)
Gray's Inn (places)
Gray's Inn Chapel (church)
Great Eastern Slipway (places)
Great Guildford Street (buildings)
Greathead, James Henry (memorials)
Green Park (places)
Greenland Dock (thames)
Greenwich - Views (panoramas)
Greenwich Foot Tunnel (institutions)
Gresham College (institutions)
Gresham St 29 (buildings)
Gresham Street 10 (buildings)
Grosvenor Chapel (church)
Grosvenor Gardens (places)
Grove Terrace (places)
Guards Crimean Memorial (memorials)
Guards Division Cenotaph (memorials)
Guildhall (famous)
Guildhall Art Gallery (institutions)
Guilford Place (places)
Gurkha Memorial (memorials)
Guys Hospital (institutions)

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Hackney Empire (buildings)
Hampstead (places)
Hampton Court Palace (famous)
Harris, Sir Arthur - Air Marshal Bomber Command (memorials)
Hatton Garden (places)
Hay's Galleria (places)
Hays Wharf (buildings)
Henrietta Street (places)
Hermitage Basin (canals)
High Bridge Wharf (places)
High Holborn 90 (buildings)
High Holborn x (buildings)
Hill, Sir Roland (memorials)
Hippodrome Place (places)
Hogarth (memorials)
Holborn Viaduct (buildings)
Holland House (buildings)
Holland Park Avenue (places)
Holy Trinity (church)
Holy Trinity Kensington (church)
Holy Trinity Marylebone (church)
Home House (buildings)
Hop Exchange (institutions)
Hopton Alms House - Hopton Gardens (institutions)
Hopton Street (buildings)
Horse Guards (events)
Horse Guards (famous)
Horse Step (places)
Household Calavry Museum - Horseguards (institutions)
Hoxton Hall (institutions) (institutions)
Huguenots Chapel (church)
Hungerford Bridge (thames)
Hunter, John (memorials)
Hyde Park (places)
Hyde Park - The Fountains (places)

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Ice Wharf (canals)
Imperial Camel Corps Memorial (memorials)
Imperial Measures, Official (memorials)
Imperial War Museum (institutions)
Institute of Painters (institutions)
Ionian Buildings (places)
Ireland Yard/Playhouse Yard (places)
Irving, Sir Henry (memorials)

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James Smith & Sons (markets)
James Street (places)
Jellicoe, Admiral Earl Sir John Rushworth (memorials)
Jenner (memorials)
Jewel Tower (famous)
Jews Free School - Wesminister (institutions)
John Heminge and Henry Condell - Shakespeares Actors (memorials)
Johnson Building - 77 Hatton Garden (buildings)
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, Writer (memorials)
Jubilee Park (places)

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Kennedy, John F. President (memorials)
Kensington & Knightsbridge (places)
Kensington Palace (famous)
Kenwood House (buildings)
Kew Bridge Steam Muesum (institutions)
Kew Gardens - Royal Botanic Gardens (famous)
Kew Palace (famous)
Keystone Crescent (places)
King Edward Walk (places)
King George V Dock (thames)
King Street (places)
King's College (institutions)
Kings Cross Station (institutions)
Kings Library - British Museum (institutions)
Kings Reach - George V Memorial (memorials)
Kings Stairs (thames)
Kirkaldys Testing and Experimenting Works (institutions)

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Lambeth Bridge (thames)
Lambeth Palace (buildings)
Landsdowne Club, The (buildings)
Langley Street (places)
Laurence Pountney Hill (places)
Lawrence, T. E. - (of Arabia) (memorials)
Leadenhall Market (markets)
Leicester Square (places)
Leighton House Museum (institutions)
Limehouse Basin (canals)
Limehouse Hole (thames)
Lina Store (markets)
Lincoln's Inn (institutions)
Lincoln's Inn Chapel (church)
Lincoln's Inn Field (institutions)
Lincoln, Abraham - American President (memorials)
Linnean Society - Burlington House (institutions)
Linnean Society - Burlington House- Piccadilly (institutions)
Lister, Lord Joseph (memorials)
Little Venice (canals)
Liverpool Street Station (institutions)
Lloyds (institutions)
Lloyds Register (institutions)
London Bridge (thames)
London Bridge City (places)
London Eye - Wheel (buildings)
London Stone (memorials)
London Transport Museum (institutions)
London Underwriter Centre - Minster Court (institutions)
London Wall 1 (buildings)
Long Acre (places)
LT Power Station (buildings)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Malet Street Gardens (places)
Manchester Square (places)
Mansion House (famous)
Marble Arch (famous)
Marchmont Street (places)
Market Towers (buildings)
Marlborough House (famous)
Marsden, William (memorials)
Marx, Karl (memorials)
Marx, Karl - Library (memorials)
Mary Ward House (buildings)
Marylebone (places)
Marylebone Station (institutions)
Maughan Library (institutions)
Mayfair (places)
Mayflower Pub, The (buildings)
Mayor, Lord - Coach (famous)
Meard Street (places)
Mecklenburgh Square (places)
Melville, Herman (memorials)
Memorial Gates (memorials)
Mercer Street (places)
Merchant Navy and fishing fleets Memorial (memorials)
Methodist Central Hall (buildings)
Methodist Central Hall (church)
Michelin House (buildings)
Middlesex Guildhall (buildings)
Middlesex Session House (institutions)
Milford Street (places)
Mill Stairs (buildings)
Millbank Peir (thames)
Millbank Tower (buildings)
Millennium Bridge (thames)
Millennium Harbour (places)
Minerva House (buildings)
Mitre Square (places)
Montgomery, Field Marshal Viscount Alamein (memorials)
More London (places)
More, Sir Thomas (memorials)
More, Sir Thomas More (memorials)
Morell Mackenzie - Doctor (memorials)
Mount Vernon (places)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (memorials)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Narrow Street (places)
National Gallery, The (institutions)
Natural History Museum (institutions)
Nautical School (institutions)
Navigators Memorial (memorials)
Neal Street (places)
Neals Yard (places)
Necropolis Station (buildings)
Nelson Dock (thames)
Nelson, Horatio, Admiral , Viscount , Duke of Bronte (memorials)
Nelson, Lord Horatio, Admiral , Viscount , Duke of Bronte (memorials)
New Burlington Place 16 -The Crown Estate (institutions)
New Cavendish Street 63 - Asia House (buildings)
New Concord Wharf (buildings)
New Crane Wharf (places)
New Street (places)
Newman, John Henry Cardinal (1801 - 1890) (memorials)
Newton, Sir Isaac (memorials)
Norfolk House (famous)
Norway Dock (thames)

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Oakroom (institutions)
Ocean Wharf (buildings)
Old Baily (famous)
Old Billingsgate Market (buildings)
Old Booths Distillery (buildings)
Old Curiosity Shop, The (buildings)
Old Turkish Baths (buildings)
Old Vic (institutions)
Old War Office (famous)
Olivers Wharf (buildings)
Olivier - Lord Laurence (memorials)
On the river (thames)
Ornamental Canal (canals)
Osborne House - Nation Association of Flowe Arrangers (institutions)
Outram, Gereral Sir James (memorials)
Oxford Circus (places)
Oxo Tower (buildings)

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Paddington Basin (canals)
Paddington Bear (memorials)
Paddington Street Gardens (places)
Page Street (places)
Palmerston, Viscount - Henry John Temple - Prime Minister (memorials)
Pankhurst, Emmeline and Christabel (memorials)
Park Crescent (buildings)
Park Lane (places)
Parliament Hill Fields (panoramas)
Parliament Square (places)
Parliament View (buildings)
Parliament, The Houses of (famous)
Paternoster Square (places)
Peabody Estate (places)
Peabody, George (memorials)
Peel, Sir Robert - Prime Minister (memorials)
Peninsular Heights (buildings)
Penzance Place (places)
Pepys, Samual (memorials)
PERCEVAL, The Hon. Spencer (1762-1812) - PM (memorials)
Peto Place (buildings)
Peto Place (places)
Phoenix Garden (places)
Piccadilly Arcade (markets)
Piccadilly Circus (famous)
Pickering Place (places)
Pied Bull Yard (places)
Pier Head (thames)
Pipers model of the City of London (institutions)
Pipers Wharf (buildings)
Pitt, William (Elder) Earl of Chatham - PM (memorials)
Pitt, William (The Younger) (memorials)
Playhouse Yard (places)
Pollocks (markets)
Pons Place (places)
Pontoon Dock (thames)
Poppies in the Moat (memorials)
Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon, Viscount Hungerford, Air Marshal (memorials)
Portland Place (places)
Portobello Road (markets)
Postmans Park (memorials)
Pottery Lane (places)
Poultry 1 (buildings)
Poultry 1 - View (panoramas)
President, HMS (thames)
Primrose Hill - View (panoramas)
Princelet Street - Spitalfields (places)
Princelet Street, 15 (buildings)
Princes Stairs (thames)
Priory Court (institutions)
Procter Street (places)
Prodtestant Martyrs (memorials)
Prospect of Whitby (buildings)
Providence Square (places)
Pugin, Auguste Charles (memorials)

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Queen Anne's Gate (places)
Queen Annes Alcove (memorials)
Queen Hithe (famous)
Queen Victoria Embankment 100 (buildings)
Queen Victoria Embankment 100 (panoramas)
Queen Victoria Street (buildings)
Queen Victoria Street 95 (buildings)
Queen's Chapel (church)
Queens House (famous)

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R.A.F. Memorial (memorials)
R.A.F. Memorial (St Clement Danes) (memorials)
RAF Bommber Command Memorial (memorials)
RAF Museum - Hendon (institutions)
Raikes, Robert (memorials)
Rangers (memorials)
Red Lion Square (places)
Regent Square (places)
Regent Street (markets)
Regents Canal (canals)
Reuter, Paul Julius (memorials)
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (memorials)
Richmond Terrace (places)
Rifle Brigade Memorial (memorials)
Riverbank House - Swan Lane (buildings)
Riverbank Park (buildings)
Roman Amphitheatre (institutions)
Roof Terrace - 1 New Change (panoramas)
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (memorials)
Rotherhithe Street (places)
Roupell Street (places)
Royal Acadamy of Music (institutions)
Royal Academy (institutions)
Royal Arcade (markets)
Royal Army Medical College (former) (institutions)
Royal Arsenal (famous)
Royal Artillery (memorials)
Royal College of Physicians (places)
Royal College of Surgeons of England (institutions)
Royal Courts of Justice (institutions)
Royal Exchange (buildings)
Royal Free Hospital (former) (institutions)
Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) (memorials)
Royal Geographical Society (institutions)
Royal Hospital Chelsea (famous)
Royal Hospital Chelsea Chapel (church)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (institutions)
Royal Institution of Civil Engineers (institutions)
Royal Institution of Great Britain (institutions)
Royal Naval Chapel Greenwich (church)
Royal Naval College - King William Court (institutions)
Royal Naval College - Painted Hall (institutions)
Royal Naval College - Queen Anne Court (institutions)
Royal Naval College Greenwich (famous)
Royal Naval College Greenwich - Queen Mary Court (institutions)
Royal Observatory Greenwich - Flamstead House (institutions)
Royal Opera (institutions)
Royal Tank Regiment Memorial (memorials)
Royal Victoria Dock (thames)
RSA (institutions)
Rupert Street - Food Market (markets)
Russell Square (places)
Russell, Bertrand (1872 - 1970) (memorials)
Rutland Gate (places)

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Salter, Dr Alfred M.P. - his daughter and her cat (memorials)
Savoy Chapel (church)
Savoy Theatre Centenary (memorials)
Sea Container House (buildings)
SeaCon Wharf (buildings)
Senate House (buildings)
Seven Dails (places)
Seven Dials (memorials)
Shad Thames (buildings)
Shadwell Basin (canals)
Shakespeare's Globe (famous)
Shakespeare, William (memorials)
Shard (buildings)
Shard - the view (panoramas)
Shelton Sreet (places)
Shepard Market (markets)
Sicilian Avenue (places)
Sion College (institutions)
Sir John Soanes Museum (institutions)
Slim, Field Marshal Viscount (memorials)
Sloane Square (places)
Sloane, Sir Hans (memorials)
Smith Square (places)
Smithfield (markets)
Smokehouse Yard (places)
Snow, Dr John (memorials)
Society of Antiquaries - Burlington House (institutions)
Society of Chemistry - Burlington House (institutions)
Soho (places)
Soho Square (places)
Somerset House (buildings)
South African Garden 2010 - British Museum (events)
South Crescent (places)
South Quay (places)
South Quay Foot Bridge (buildings)
Southall Broadway (places)
Southbank Center (buildings)
Southwark Bridge (thames)
Southwark Cathedral (church)
Southwark Street (places)
Southwark Street 76-80 (buildings)
Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue (church)
Spital Square 37 (buildings)
Spital Yard (buildings)
Spitalfield Market (markets)
Spitalfields (places)
St Alban Wood Street (church)
St Andrew by the Wardrobe (church)
St Andrew Undershaft (church)
St Andrew's Gardens (church)
St Andrew's Holborn (church)
St Anne & St Agnes (church)
St Annes Soho (church)
St Anns Blackfriars (church)
St Augustine (church)
St Bartholomew the Great (church)
St Bartholomew The Less (church)
St Benet Pauls Wharf (church)
St Botolph Bishopsgate (church)
St Botolph without Aldersgate (church)
St Botolph without Aldgate (church)
St Brides Fleet Street (church)
St Christophers Pl (places)
St Clement Danes (church)
St Clement Eastcheap (church)
St Dunstan in the East (church)
St Dunstan in the West (church)
St Edmund the King (church)
St Ethelburga the Virgin (church)
St Etheldreda (church)
St Georges Bloomsbury (church)
St Georges Gardens (places)
St Georges Mayfair (church)
St Georges Wharf (buildings)
St Giles Circus (places)
St Giles Cripplegate (church)
St Giles in the Field (church)
St Helen's (church)
St Helen's Place (places)
St Hildas Wharf (places)
St James Clarkenwell (church)
St James Garlichythe (church)
St James Park (places)
St James Piccadilly (church)
St James's Palace (famous)
St James's Square (places)
St James's Street (buildings)
St John - Priory of Order of St John of Jerusalem (church)
St John Street (places)
St John Waterloo (church)
St John Zachary (church)
St John's Gardens (buildings)
St John's Gardens (places)
St John's Smith Square (church)
St Johns Square (places)
St Johns Wapping (church)
St Katharine Docks (buildings)
St Katherine Cree (church)
St Lawrence Jewry (church)
St Magnus the Martyr (church)
St Margaret Pattens (church)
St Margeret Lotthbury (church)
St Margret's Westminister (church)
St Martin in the Field (church)
St Martin Orgar (church)
St Martin within Ludgate (church)
St Martins Lane (places)
St Mary Abchurch (church)
St Mary Aldermary (church)
St Mary at Hill (church)
St Mary le Strand (church)
St Mary Somerset (church)
St Mary Staining (church)
St Mary Woolnoth (church)
St Mary's Hospital Paddington (institutions)
St Mary-le-Bow (church)
St Marylebone (church)
St Marys - Aldermenbery Street (church)
St Marys Rotherhithe (church)
St Michael Cornhill (church)
St Michael Partnoster Royal (church)
St Michaels Alley (places)
St Nicholas Cole Abbey (church)
St Olaf House (buildings)
St Olave (church)
St Olave Jewry (church)
St Olave Silver Street (church)
St Pancras Station (buildings)
St Patrick Soho Square (church)
St Paul's Cathedral (church)
St Paul's Churchyard (buildings)
St Pauls Covent Garden - Actors Church (church)
St Pauls Shadwell (church)
St Peter upon Cornhill (church)
St Peter Vere Street (church)
St Saviours Dock (thames)
St Sepulchre (church)
St Stephen Walbrook (church)
St Thomas Hospital (institutions)
St Vedasts-alias-Foster (church)
St. Barnabas House and Chapel (buildings)
St. Bartholomews Hospital (institutions)
St. George's Gardens (church)
St. Martin Court (places)
St. Mary Overy's Dock - The Golden Hinde (famous)
St. Marylebone old church (church)
St. Pancras Church (church)
Stafford House (buildings)
Staples Inn (institutions)
Stationers Hall (institutions)
Stew Lane (buildings)
Stratford Place (places)
Stratford Station (places)
Stuart Mill. John (memorials)
Submariners - lost at sea (memorials)
Suffolk Street (places)
Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (memorials)
Surrey Warf and Canada Water (canals)
Sutton House (buildings)
Swedenborg Society, The (institutions)
Swiss chimes (famous)
Swiss Church (church)
Swiss Re Tower (Gherkin) (buildings)

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Tanaka Business School - Imperial College (institutions)
Tate Modern (institutions)
Tavistock Place (places)
Tavistock Square (places)
Telcom Tower (buildings)
Temple (church)
Temple (institutions)
Temple Bar (buildings)
Temple Bar (memorials)
Temple Hall (institutions)
Temple Place 2 (buildings)
Thames (thames)
Thames - Greenwich Reach (thames)
Thames - Kings Reach (thames)
Thames - Lambeth Reach (thames)
Thames - Limehouse Reach (thames)
Thames - Lower Pool (thames)
Thames - Upper Pool (thames)
Thames Barrier Park (places)
Thames Cable Car (thames)
Thames Court - Upper Thames Street (buildings)
Thames Flood Barrier (thames)
Thames House Millbank (buildings)
Thames House Vauxhall Cross (buildings)
The Bank of England (institutions)
The Barbican (places)
The British Library (institutions)
The Dome (buildings)
The Globe Theatre (famous)
The Monument (memorials)
The Old Admiralty (famous)
The Woolsey (buildings)
Theed Street (places)
Thomas Coram (memorials)
Thorney Street (places)
Throgmorton Avenue (places)
Thurloe Place (places)
Tobacco Dock (canals)
Tower 42 (buildings)
Tower Bridge (thames)
Tower Hill Scaffold (memorials)
Tower of London (famous)
Tower Place (buildings)
Town of Ramsgate (buildings)
Trafalgar Square (famous)
Treasury Office (institutions)
Treasury, The (institutions)
Trenchard, Hugh Montague (memorials)
Trevithick, Richard (1771 - 1853) (memorials)
Trinity Hospital Almshouses (institutions)
Trinity House (buildings)
Trinity Square 10 (buildings)
Triton Square 2 (buildings)
Trooping the Colour (events)
Turner - Birth Place (memorials)
Tyburn (memorials)
Tyndale, William (memorials)

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UK Supreme Court (institutions)
Ulster Place (places)
Union Street (buildings)
Unitarian Chapel - Stanford Street (church)
University College (institutions)
University College Hospital (institutions)
University of East London (places)

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V & A (institutions)
Vauxhall Bridge (thames)
Vice Admiral William Bligh (Capt.) (memorials)
Vicoria Tower Gardens (places)
Victoria Embankmant Gardens North (places)
Victoria Embankment Gardens - Temple (places)
Victoria Embankment Gardens South (places)
Victoria Street Clock (memorials)
Victoria, Queen - her last visit to the City (memorials)
Victoria, Queen - Memorial (memorials)
Vintners Hall (institutions)

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Wallace, Sir William (memorials)
Walpole, Sir Robert - House (memorials)
Wappimg Wall (places)
Wapping High Street (places)
Wapping Lane (places)
War Memorial to London Troops (memorials)
Wardrobe Place (places)
Washington, George (memorials)
Waterhouse Square (places)
Waterloo Bridge (thames)
Waterloo, Battle of - Captured Guns (memorials)
Wellington Arch (famous)
Wellington's Office, Horse Guards (famous)
Wellington, Duke, Arthur Wellesley (memorials)
Wellington, Duke, Arthur Wellesley - Memorial and Tomb (memorials)
Wellington, HQS (thames)
Wesley Chapel - John Wesley Grave (church)
Wesley, John (memorials)
West Square (places)
Westminister Bridge Road 100 (buildings)
Westminister Cathedral (church)
Westminster Abbey (church)
Westminster Bridge (thames)
Westminster Hall - Parliament (famous)
Wheeler's of St James (buildings)
Wheeler, Sir Mortimer (memorials)
Whithall Place (places)
Whittlesey Street (places)
Widegate Street - Spitalfields (places)
Wilde, Oscar (memorials)
Wilkes Street - Spitalfields (places)
Wilton Crescent (places)
Winchester House (buildings)
Windmill Walk (places)
Winsor Castle (famous)
Woburn Walk (places)
Wolseley, The (buildings)
Women of World War 2 Memorial (memorials)
Wood Street 100 (buildings)
Wood Street 88 (buildings)
Wood Street Police Station (buildings)
Woodbridge Chapel (church)
Woolf, Leonard Sidney (memorials)
Woolwich Ferry (thames)
Wotton Street (places)
WREN, Sir Christopher (1632-1723) - Memorial and Tomb (memorials)

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York Watergate (buildings)
York, Duke of (memorials)

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Copyright © 1998 - 2012 Juerg Mueller. Date last modified: Sunday, 19-Feb-2012 17:08:35 CET