Location of Borough Bus stop
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Local Pubs
Southwark Tavern (distance = 489 m bearing 304°)
, The George Inn (distance = 359 m bearing 303°)
, The Market Porter (distance = 491 m bearing 304°)
, The Old Kings Head (distance = 402 m bearing 302°)
, The Wheat Sheaf (distance = 472 m bearing 304°)
Museums/Galleries in the area
Old Operating Theatre (distance = 436 m bearing 31°)
Nearby attractions
George Inn, The (distance = 356 m bearing 303°)
, Shard (distance = 412 m bearing 37°)
, Guys Hospital (distance = 291 m bearing 31°)
, Hop Exchange (distance = 471 m bearing 306°)
, Shard - the view (distance = 413 m bearing 34°)
Notorious sights in the area
Chapman, George - Murderer (distance = 330 m bearing 319°)
, Prison - Marshalsea (distance = 286 m bearing 326°)
, Unconsecrated Graveyard (distance = 500 m bearing 310°)
Local Map
Map of what is in the area - using Google map