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Albian Mills - Site of (William Blake)
This is the site of Albian Mills, which William Blake so hated, that it inspired him to write his most famous poem about Englans dark satanic mills.
Aldwych - Bomb
On the 18 Feb 1996 an IRA bomb exploded prematurely killing it carrier and 4 other people.
America - Treaty of Independance
The treaty of American Independance was drafted at Lived at 9 Fitzmaurice Place.
Attack on the Cabinet - Terrorists
On the 7 February 1991, the IRA launched a mortar attack on 10 Downing Street, during the weekly Cabinet Meeting. No one was hurt. The mortars were launched from the cournet of Hourse Guards Avenue, next to Banqueting House.
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Baltic Exchange - Bomb
On the 10 April 1992 an IRA bomb killed 3 people and severely damaged the building
Barry, Sir Charles
Architect of the Houses of Parliament lived at 32 Great George Street between 1859 and 1870. Nothing remains.
Muscians. Abbey Road Studio
Muscians.The site of Apple Corp. Oh the roof they gave there last performance.
Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam)- Imperial War Museum
The site of the infamous lunatic asylum from 1815 to 1930. The criminally insane moved to Broadmoor Prison in 1846.
Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam)- Liverpool Street Station
The site of the infamous lunatic asylum from 1329 to 1674.
Bethlehem Hospital (Bedlam)- Moorfields
The site of the infamous lunatic asylum from 1674to 1815.
Bishopsgate - Bomb
On the 24 April 1992 an IRA bomb exploded at the corner of Bishopsgate and Wormwwod St. The toll was 1 dead 50 injured and over £ 1 billion in damage.
Bowie, David
Muscian Lived here
Bridwell Palace
The current Bridwell house is the site of Bridewell Palace. Here Henry 8 tried to talk his way out of his marriage to his first wife.
Bunhill Field - Plague Graveyard
One of the Plague pits. This is the largest unconsecrated graveyard in Europe. John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe,, William Blake, George Fox are buried here.
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Cable Street - Riot
On Sunday 4 October 1936, Sir Oswald Mosleys fascists attempted to march through Jewish areas of the East End. The Police did nothing to prevent this, in fact they seemed to be trying to aid the blackshirts by clearing there route for them. Out of desperation left wings, dockers and locals built baracaded and forced the marchers onto Cable Street, which has also been barracaded at Royal Mint Street. A riot followed. This event marked the begining of the decline of Mosley and his Nazis.
Calvi, Roberto - Murdered
Gods banker, was found hanged underneath Blackfriars Bridge on the 15 June 1982
Cato Street Plot - Terrorists
On the 23-Feb 1820 a plot to kill the entire cabinet, and then parade there head through the City, was planned here.
Chaplin, Charlie
Film star Lived here
Chapman, George - Murderer
Killed his wife Mary Spink on Christmas Day 1898 in his pub, the Prince of Wales. He later married his barmaid.
Chapman, George - Murderer
Killed his 2nd wife Bessie Taylor in his pub the Monument Tavern, she had been his barmaid in his previous pub. He later married his barmaid.
Chapman, George - Murderer
Killed his 3rd wife Maud Marsh in his pub the Crown. He was hanged in April 1903 for the murder of his 3 wives.
Charles 1 - Execution
King On the 30 January 1649, King Charles 1 was beheaded just outside Banqueting House.
Charles 1 - Trail
King The trail of King Charles 1 took place in Westminster Hall
Charterhouse - Plague Graveyard
One of the Plague pits
Christie, John - Serial Killer
Between 1938 and 1953 John Christie brutally sexually assaulted and then killed at least 7 women, including his wife. Their bodies were buried in and around the house, 10 Rillington Place. In 1948 the body of one of Christie lodgers was found in the shed. She was the wife of Timothy Evens, who was mentally handicapted. Evans confessed, was tried and exectuted. It was not until 1953 when another body and Christie was charged with multiple murder, that Evens was proved innocent. Christie was hanged in 1953. The name of the road has been changed from Rillington Place to Bartle Road.
Church House - Back up Parliament
During the WW2 Church House was used for Parliament when it was not possible to use the Westminister site. This happen a number of time. After the war a lot of UN commissions used the building including the War Crimes Commission.
Cleopatras Needle
A very popular spot for suicides. Two ghost are reputed, one stand on the wall, and jumps if spoken to. The other dash out of the shadows, naked and jump, but no splash is heard.
Coward, Noel
Author Lived here
Cream, Thomas - Murderer
Here lived Thomas Cream, the killer of at least 4 women between 1891 and 1892. Suspicion was originally on Jack the Ripper.
Cream, Thomas - Murderer
Matilda Clover was killed in her brothel by Thomas Cream in Oct 1891.
Cream, Thomas - Murderer
Ellen Donworth was killed by Thomas Cream in Oct 1891.
Cream, Thomas - Murderer
Emma Shrivall and Alice Marsh were killed by Thomas Cream in April 1892.
Cummins, George Frederick - Murderer
Hamilton, Evelyn strangled by Cummins, George Frederick on 1942.
Cummins, George Frederick - Murderer
Ward, Nita had her throat cut and was mutilated with a tin opener by Cummins, George Frederick
Cummins, George Frederick - Murderer
Lowe, Margaret strangled with her stockings and cut with a razor by Cummins, George Frederick on 11 Feb 1942.
Cummins, George Frederick - Murderer
Jouannet, Doris strangled with her stockings and cut with a razor by Cummins, George Frederick
Cut-throat Lane - Slum
Charles Dickens drew attention to the conditions in 1850 when he wrote of "a plague spot scarcely equalled for its insalubrity by any other in London". From 1846-8, life expectancy in the area was just 11 years 7 months - compared with the London average of 37. Today, singer Robbie Williams and actress Liz Hurley live in this area.
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Da Vinci Code - Biggin Hill
The airport they use when the fly to London.
Da Vinci Code - Church of Our Lady of Paris (correct name Notre Dame de France Church)
To my knowledge the is no church of Our Lady of Paris in London, but there is a Notre Dame de France Church, and it contains murals by Jean Cocteau. According to Teabing this church has the most blatant M.
Da Vinci Code - Fleet Street
While driving along Fleet Street Langdon ans Sophie, figure out which that they need to go to Temple Church
Da Vinci Code - Horse Guards Parade
Remy and the teacher meet here, and Remy is killed.
Da Vinci Code - Kensington Gardens
Silas dies in a hollow in the gardens
Da Vinci Code - Kings College
The college includes Research Institute in Systematic Theology, but not in the location given in the book. The real location is here.
Da Vinci Code - National Gallery
Langdon gave a lecture there entitled - The Secret Life of Leonardo: Pagan Symbolism in Christian Art. Ch 8
Da Vinci Code - Orme Court
The Opus Dei Centre where Silas lies low.
Da Vinci Code - Royal Holloway, University of London
This is where Sophie Neveu studied cryptography.
Da Vinci Code - Snow Hill Police Station
Sophies call to the police was routed to this station.
Da Vinci Code - St Marys Hospital
The hospital where Silas bought Bishop Aringarosa to be treated. In the book it is not clear which St Marys, but it is likely to be the one in Paddington.
Da Vinci Code - Temple Church
Sophie, Langdon, and Teabing search for the clue to the cryptex here, but are supprised by Silas and co.
Da Vinci Code - Temple Tube Station
From here Sophie made here call to the police, and they catch the tube to Westminister.
Da Vinci Code - Virgin of the Rocks
The painting by Da Vinci, the Virgin of the Rocks can be seen in the Gallery. It is the watered down version of the Madonna of the Rocks
Da Vinci Code - Westminister Abbey
The Abbey contains Newtons Grave and the Chapter House
De Quincey, Thomas
Here stood the Chemist shop where Thomas de Quincey bought his first opium.
Defoe, Daniel - Pillory
One of the many pillories in London stood by Temple Bar. Daniel once spent 3 days here for libel.
Dover House
This was offered to Gladstone in place on 10 Downing Street, but he turned it down as he thought it was too grand, and therefore he would have to entertain more.
DOyly Carte
Producer Began his collaboration Gilbert and Sullivan
DOyly Carte
Lived here
Druid site
The god Teut was worshiped here
Ducking stool - Bridwell
A ducking stool was installed in 1628.
Ducking stool - Clink
A ducking stool was used here.
Dury Lane Theatre
Here 3 Kings met their future mistresses, and 2 almost got killed.
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Ealing Studios
Here the famous Ealing Film Comedies were made
Eisenhower Shelter
From deep below Eisenhower directed the D-Day landings.
Elliott, Mama Cass
Muscian. Harry Nilsson who owned this flat only used it on visits to London, at other times he would loan it out. One was Cass Elliott, of the Mamas and Papas, who died here in on 27 July 1974. Four years later on 7 September 1978 Keith Moon, drummer for the Who, also died here.
Exection Site - Tothill Fields
The punishment of witches was the main activity here.
Execution Site - Execution Dock
From the 15 to the 19 centuries this site was used for the execution of pirates. The condemned persons was hanged for half an hour at low tide and then chained to a stake and left there for 3 high tides. Among those executed here was the infamous Captain Kidd.
Execution Site - Gardelle, Theodore
The Swiss Miniaturist Theodore Gardeele was executed here in 1761 for the murder of his landlady Mrs King
Execution Site - Horsemonger Lane Gaol
The site.
Execution Site - Kennington Park
The Surry gallows.
Execution Site - Lincolns Inn Fields
The present day bandstand marks the former execution site. In 1586 Anthony Babington and 13 other Catholics were hang, drawn and quartered for plotting to replace Elizabeth 1 with Mary. In 1683 Lord William Russell, for trying to replace Charles 2 with Kings illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth.
Execution Site - Newgate Gallows
The Viaduct Tavern is built on the site of the gallows.
Execution Site - Old Palace Yard
Here Guy Fawkes and Sir Walter Raleigh were executed
Execution Site - Smithfield
For over 400 years this was a place of execution. In 1400 the gallows were moved to Tyburn and Smithfield became the site for burning. Over 500 people were burnt to death here, including a couple of Bishops.
Execution Site - St Pauls Churchyard
St Pauls Churchyard was primarily used for religious executions. A number of the Gunpowder Plotters were dispatched here.
Execution Site - Tower Hill
This site was used to execute traitors, or supposed traitors. Among them are Sir Thomas More, Sir Thomas Cromwell, the Duke of Monmouth etc. The last execution took place in 1780.
Execution Site - Tyburn Gallows
Tyburn was the main execution site in London. Over 50,000 met their end here between the 12 century and 1782.
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Fletcher, Yvonne WPC - Assassination
On the 17 April 1984 WPC Yvonne Fletcher was killed by a shot dead from the Libyan Embassy.
Foreign Secretary - Official Residency
3 Carlton Gardens is the official ministeral residency of the Foreign Secretary.
Fu Manchu
Here, in 1913 while investigating the opium trade, Arthur Ward was inspired to create the master criminal.
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Gardelle, Theodore - Murderer
Theodore Gardeele the Swiss Miniaturist, murdered his landlady Mrs King here in 1761. She had mocked his work.
George 2 - Assassination
In 1716 a Mr Freemen shot at but missed George 2 outside the Dury Lane Theatre.
George 3 - Assassination
James Hatfield try unsuccessfully to assassinate George 3 in the Dury Lane Theatre, while the king watched a play.
George 4 - Scandal
The future George 4 illicitly married the catholic Maria Herbert in Fleet Prison on the 5 Sep 1745
Giltspur Street Compter (Prison)
The Viaduct Tavern is built on the former prison.
Gordon Riots
The Gordon Riot of 2 June 1780, started out as a public meeting against the repeal of anti Catholic Laws. By the time order was restored over 850 people had died, most prisons emptied many destroyed, and many other properties looted. Lord George Gordon was later hanged.
Great Fire Of London - Disaster
The Great Fire of 1666 started on the 2 Sep in a bakery in Pudding Lane. It destroyed 13,000 houses and killed 9.
Guards - Bomb
An IRA bomb exploded on 20 July 1982 killing 2 Horse Guards and injuring 17 spectators.
Gun Powder Plot - Terrorists
Guy Fawkes and his co plotters, on the 5 Nov 1606, attempted to blow up the House of Commons during the Kings speech, when almost everybody of any importance would be there. The aim was to overthrow the protestant state and bring an Catholic one. Fortunately the plot was discovered and plotter later executed.
Gwynne, Nell - Scandal
Nell Gwynne used to sell her oranges outside the Dury Lane Theatre. Later in 1665 she made her acting debut here. This lead to her meeting Charles 2 becoming one of his mistresses and bearing him many children.
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Haigh, John - Serial Killer
Haight killed 6 people and disolved their bodies in a bath filled with acid. He was hanged in 1949.
Hamilton, Lady Emma (nee Hart) - Bed demonstrations
Emma Hart later to become Lady Emma Hamilton, Admiral Nelsons mistress, used to perform naked demonstrations of the workings of a celestial bed.
Harrods Bomb
Dec. 17, 1983: Six people are killed and as many as 90 are wounded by an IRA bombing outside of Harrods department store in west London.
Houses of Parliament Bomb
In June 1974:, the IRA bombs the House of Parliament, causing extensive damage and injuring 11 people.
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Iranian Embassy Siege - Terrorists
In April 1984 the Embassy was atacked by 6 terrorist and those inside taken hostage. After the execution of one of the hostage the SAS stormed the building killing 5 of the terrorists and unfortunatly 1 hostage.
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Jack the Ripper - Annie Chapman
The 3rd victim. Annie Chapmann was killen in the backyard of 29 Hanbury Street on the 8 September 1888.
Jack the Ripper - Catherine Eddowes
The 5th victim. Catherine Eddowes was kill in Mitre Square on the 30 September
Jack the Ripper - Elizabeth Stride
The 4th victim. The body of Elizabeth Stride was found behind a working mans club at 40 Henriques Street on the 30 September 1888. Her husband and children had shortly before died in the Princess ALica disaster.
Jack the Ripper - Martha Turner (1)
The 1st victim. On 7 August 1888 Martha Turner body was found in the Goerge Building Yard.
Jack the Ripper - Mary Ann Nicholls (2)
The 2nd victim. On the 31 August 1888, Mary Anne Hicholls, after leaving a pub in Brick Lane was killed in Durward Street.
Jack the Ripper - Mary Kelly
The 6th and last victim. On the 9 November 1888 Mary Kelly was killed in her home at 13 Millers Court. Her body was the most brutally disfigured of them all.
Jacob Street - Slums
This area was one of the worst slums in 19 century London. Cholera was common. In Dickens Oliver Twist this is the area where Bill Sykes dies.
Jagger, Mick
Singer Lived here
Jeffries, Judge
The infamous hanging judge is buried here.
Jordan, Mrs - Scandal
The future King William 4 saw Mrs Jordan act her. She became his mistress and bore him many children.
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Ketch, Jack - Executioner
All executioners are named Jack Ketch, since the bungled beheading of Charles 1.
On the 17 October 1894, the first moving pictures in London were shown here.
Kings Cross Tube Station Fire - Disaster
On the 19 November 1987 a fire broke out in the tube station, killing 30 and injuring many many more.
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Lambeth Marsh - Slum
This area was notorious for is entertainments and poor living conditions. Being on the south bank of the river the area did not fall under the jurisdiction of the strict City authorities, so all sorts went on. Few would ever admit to visiting the area, although many did. The person who made the most out of this slum was the Archbishop as he collected the rents.
Lavender Hill Mob - Movie
Here at the junction of Bramley and Freston (then Latimer) Roads is where all the poloce cars converged for the big pile up in the film The Lavender Hill Mob.
Leigh, Vivien
Actress Lived and died here
Leper Hospital
A 12 century leper hospital stood on the site of the current Church of St Giles in the Field. St Giles was the patron saint of outcasts.
Leper Hospital
This was the site of a leper hospital, until Henry 8 acquired the land an built St Jamess Palace.
Liverpool Street Station - Plague Graveyard
One of the Plague pits
Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Composer Live here
London Bridge - Disaster
In 1212 fire broke out at both ends and 3,000 people died.
London Necropolis Railway
Due to over full cemeteries, high death rate caused by Cholera and other illnesses, London almost ran out of burial space. One solution was the Necropolis Railway. This is the site of the London station of the Necropolis railway. From here the bodies in there coffins and the mourners would be transported to the cemetery in Woking.
Lovett, Mrs - Murderer
Sweeny Todds partner. He, a barber, killed many of his customers, whos bodies would be cut up and baked in pies, that Mrs Lovett sold in her shop in Bell Yard.
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Marchioness - Disaster
On the 20 August 1989 a disco boat the Marchioness, with over 200 on board collided with the 2,000 ton dredger Bowbell. 57 people died.
Markov, Georgi - Spys
Assasinated Bulgarian defector. Was poked in the leg with an umbrella, and died 2 days later. It turns out he had been darted with ricin poison.
Marlow, Christopher
Playwrite Marlow was stabbed to death here by Ingram Frezer on the 30 May 1593. Frezer also happened to be Thomas Walsinghams, Elizabeth 1 spy master, servant. The official version tells of the fight, the conspiracy version say Marlows was a silenced by the government. Marlow was a popular playwright.
Mass War Grave
Thousand of Scottish prisoners from the battle of Worcester in the Civil War were buried here.
Merrick, Joseph - The Elephant Man
Merrick, the Elephand Man, lived and died here after he was rescued from a freak show. His skeletom is still kept in the hospital.
MI5 - Spys
The former headquarters of MI5 used to be here at 140 Gower Street
Minor, Dr William Chester
On 17 February 1872 Dr George Minor, an American Army Officer living in London, shot and killed George Merrit for no reason here. He was found to be mad and sent to Broadmoor Asylum. During his time there he became one of the major writers and contributors to the Oxford English Dictionary.
Mint Street - Slum
The area was a criminal ghetto in the early 19 century.
Moon, Keith
Muscian. Harry Nilsson who owned this flat only used it on visits to London, at other times he would loan it out. One was Cass Elliott, of the Mamas and Papas, who died here in on 27 July 1974. Four years later on 7 September 1978 Keith Moon, drummer for the Who, also died here.
Mosley, Sir Oswald
Sir Oswald Mosley Member of Parliament, the British Nazi/Fascist lived at 8-9 Smith Square.
Mr Lloyds coffee house
From 1688, ship captains, owners and merchants would gather at Mr Lloyds coffee house on Tower Street to get reliable shipping news and marine insurance. Lloyds of London had been born.
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Napoleon, Louis
During his exile he lived at 1 Carlton Gardens.
Neave Airey - Assassination
Airey Neave the Minister for Northern Ireland was blown up by an IRA bomb while driving his car out off the car park under Parliament, on the evening of the 30 March 1979.
Newgate stamped - Disaster
In 1802, during a hanging in Newgate, 40,000 people stampeded leaving hundreds dead.
Nilsen, Dennis - Serial Killer
Dennis Nilsen was one of the most prolific killers London has ever seen. He was convicted of killing 3, but it seems fairly certain that actually murdered 16 and possibly many more. All his victims were men, that he picked up in local pubs, he would take them back to his home and then kill them. He would keep their bodys until they rotted to "retain some friendship", he then cut up the remain and dumped some parts down the sink. This is how he was caught, the drains were block, and the plumbers has a shock.
Nilsen, Dennis - Serial Killer
Dennis Nilsen was one of the most prolific killers London has ever seen. He was convicted of killing 3, but it seems fairly certain that actually murdered 16 and possibly many more. All his victims were men, that he picked up in local pubs, he would take them back to his home and then kill them. He would keep their bodys until they rotted to "retain some friendship", he then cut up the remain and dumped some parts down the sink. This is how he was caught, the drains were block, and the plumbers has a shock.
Nilsson, Harry
Muscian. Harry Nilsson who owned this flat only used it on visits to London, at other times he would loan it out. One was Cass Elliott, of the Mamas and Papas, who died here in on 27 July 1974. Four years later on 7 September 1978 Keith Moon, drummer for the Who, also died here.
Novello, Ivor
Singer Lived here
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Olivier, Lord Laurence
Actor Lived here
Oxford Street Bomb
Sept. 12 1973, an IRA rock Londons Oxford Street.
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Pantheon Theatre
Marks and Spencers stands oh the site of the former Pantheon theatre.
Parliament Hill
So called as legend has it that Guy Fawkes and his follow plotters planed to watch the blowing up of the Houses of Parliament from here. To this day you still get one of the best views of London from here.
Peasants Revolt
Wat Tyler led a larger group of peasants from Kent to London in June 1381, to protest about poll taxes. They took over large parts of the city, including the Tower. The rebellion was suppressed and Tyler murdered in Smithfield.
Peel, Sir Robert Prime Minister
He became an Member of Parliament in 1809 and Home Secretary in 1822. Peel was responsible for the establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force in 1829 and was Prime Minister for a short time in 1834-5. His second ministry lasted from 1841 to 1846. He lived at 36 13 Great George Street in 1813.
Percival, Spencer Prime Minister - Assassination
On the 11 May 1812 as he was entering the House of Commons, the Prime Minister Spencer Percival was shot dead by John Bellingham. As part of the security clamp down troops sealed off London and all mail was stopped to prevent any potential plot. It later became clear that Bellingham, was unbalanced and acting alone, he executed the following week.
The 1665 Great Plague began in the parish od St Giles
Plague Pit - Royal Mint
This is the site of a plague burial ground, it was 70 wide and 130 meter long.
Plague Pit - Tothill Fields
Site of the plague pit
Post Office tower bomb
Oct. 31, 1971: A bomb explodes inside the Post Office tower in London. No one is injured, but the blast causes extensive damage. Police receive a call claiming the "Kilburn Battalion" of the IRA is behind the attack.
Prision - Newgate
Newgate was built in the 12 century as the county jail for London and Middlesex. It quickly became notorious. In 1780 it was burned down in the Gordon Riots, and rebuilt. In 1783 execution were moved from Tyburn to Newgate. In 1868 public execution were abolished. The prison was demolished in 1902 and the Old Baily built on the site.
Prison - Bridwell
The former palace became a prison in 1556. It was finally demolished in 1855.
Prison - Clink
This is the site of the 1st Clink Street prison. It was burned down during the Gordon Riots of 1780 and never rebuilt.
Prison - Cold Bath Fields
Sit of the prison from 1794 to 1889.
Prison - Fleet
Founded in the Norman period and demolished in 1846, to make way for a railway station and tracks.
Prison - Horsemonger Lane Gaol
The site of a prison.
Prison - Kings Bench
Mainly a debtor’s prison. The King of Corsica was an inmate.
Prison - Ludgate
The site of the medieval prison.
Prison - Marshalsea
Second only in importance to the Tower. It finally closed in 1842. Dickens’s father was an prisoner here and his character Little Dorrit was born here.
Prison - Millbank
Built in 1821, this was the largest prison of its time. It was torn down in 1890.
Prison - Tothill Fields
Site of the prison
Profumo, John - Profumo Affair
John Profumo lived here in Chester Terrace. He was Macmillans Secretary of State for War, and was having a affair with Christine Keeler, who was in turn having an affair with the Soviet naval attache, Yevgeny Ivanov. The affair became public in 1963 and led to the fall of the Macmillan Government.
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Richards, Kieth
Muscian Lived here
Robinson, Mary - Scandal
In 1779 she was one of Thomas Gainsnoroughs models and an actress. After a performance of a Winters Tale at the Dury Lane Theatre, she was introduced to the future George 4 and became his mistress.
Rolling Stone
Muscians. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Brian Jones rented a flat here
Royal Green Jackets - Bomb
An IRA bomb exploded on 20 July 1982 under the band stand, killing 6 band members and injuring many spectators.
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Saffron Hill - Slum
This was a notorious criminal ghetto. Dickens wrote about in Oliver Twist.
Salvation Army
The headquarters of the Salvation Army is a former ice rink, It seems little has been changed
Scotland Yard Police HQ - 2
The famous one
Scotland Yard Police HQ - New
The current one.
Scotland Yard Police HQ - 1
The original
Shelley Westbrook, Harriet - Suicide
First wife of Percy Byshe Shelley drowned herself in the Serpentine Lake, after she discovered he had run off Mary.
Sloane Square Bomb
IRA bomb rock Londons Sloane Square Sept. 12 1973.
St Martins le Grand - Sanctuary
This was the site of the largest and probably safest sanctuary in England. All Christians, except traitors, could gain sanctuary if they could get into the church grounds. The route the Tower Hill execution site passed by here, and many a prisoner managed to fight or bride their way in.
St. Nicholass Church - Pirates
The original of the Skull and Bone of the pirate flag can be found on the wall of the church.
Stock Exchange Bomb
July 20, 1990: The IRA bombs the London Stock Exchange.
Stocks and Pillory
Stood here
Strachey, Lady Jane - Suffragist
Lady Jane Strachey died here in 1928
Sydney Street Siege
A group of anti-Tsarist terrorist bungled a robbery and killed 3 policemen while escaping. After a nationwide hunt they were found, in Jan 1911, at 100 Sidney Street, where they barricaded themselves in and took pot shots for 5 hour. Winston Churchill as Home Secretary came to see what was going on. The siege was finally ended when the house burnt down.
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Temeraire, The Fighting - Turner
Turner painted the picture of the ship being taken to be broken up in Rotherhithe from here
Thames foot tunnel - Greenwich
Built in 1902, this tunnel links Island Gardens to Greenwich.
Thames foot tunnel - Woolwich
Built in 1912 it links North Woolwich to Woolwich
Thistlewood, Arthur - Assassination
Bow Street runner, killed by the Cato Street Plotters
Todd, Sweeney - Murderer
The demon barber of Fleet Street. Killed many of his customers, whos bodies would be cut up and baked in pies, that Mrs Lovett sold in her shop in Bell Yard.
Tower Hill - Disaster
During the execution of Lord Lovat in 1747 a stand collapsed and 12 spectators died.
Tower of London Bomb
In July 1974 an IRA explosion at the Tower of London kills one person and injures 41 others, including eight children.
Tower Street Explosion
On one Monday night in January 1649 27 barrels of gunpowder exploded killing 67 people. The gunpowder was being stored by a Tower Street resident, Robert Porter, to be loaded onto a ship the following day.
John Logie Baird made the first public demenstration of TV here in Selfridges on 25 March 1925
Tyler, Wat - plotter Execution
In 1301, at the entrance to the Hospital, Wat Tyler was beheaded by King Richard 2 men, after being stabbed by the Lord Mayor of London ib Smithfield. Tyler was betrayed by the King.
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UFO Club
Hippy Club
Unconsecrated Graveyard
This is the site of a former unconsecrated graveyard for the area prostitutes. In order to work in this area a licence had to be bought from the local Bishop.
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Victoria station bomb
On Sept. 8 1973, an IRA bomb explodes at Londons Victoria station.
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Walsingham, Sir Francis (1532-1590) - Spys
Died here. He was Elizabeths 1 Secretary of State in succession to Cecil, but is more infamous as the founder of the Ehglish Secret Service. It is no exaggeration to say that, on his skill in unravelling plots, the life of the Queen, and with that life the future of an independent Protestant England, really depended. In particular, it was his skill in tracking out the Babington Conspiracy of 1585 that brought Mary, Queen of Scots, to the block.
Ward, Stephen - Profumo Affair
In Wards flat here Christine Keeler met the Soviet naval attache, Yevgeny Ivanov and the Johm Profumo. At the time Profumo was Macmillans Secretary of State for War.
Ward, Stephen - Profunmo Affair
Ward was the owner of the flat where the main player met. He worked as an osteopath here.
Westminister Hall - Bomb
In 1885 a Fenian bomb blew a hole in the floor of Westminister Hall, no one was hurt.
Wild, Jonathan - Gangster
Jonathan Wild ran the London underworld from 1712 to 1725. He was also a thief taker.
Wilde, Oscar
Author Lived here
Wilkes, John Member of Parliament
Radical, journalist and politician, lived at 13 Great George Street between 1757 and 1753. Nothing remain.
William, John - Serial killer
John Williams hanged himself here. In December 1811 he killed 7 people with a chisel and hammer. He was buried with his murder weapons and a stake through his heart.
Wilson, Sir Henry - Assassinated
On 22 June 1922 a senior government advisor on Ireland was shot and killed by 2 IRA terrorists.
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